

20. Do the sport cumshafts shorten the vitality of the engine?

19. I have the Fiat Brava 100sx and I used to use Brisk spark-plugs (normal ones). I made already 24 tousands km with it. What would you recommend - Brisk Racing, Premium ZC or others?

18. What impact on the engines work has the recyrculation of the exhaust gases? How can its damage impact on the whole car's activity and can we use the car with disconected recyrculation exhaust system?

17. Jak zrobić tuning Skody Favorit 1.3 136L, dokładnie chodzi mi o gaźnik ?

16. Jaką przewagę ma silnik DOHC z dwoma wałkami, nad silnikiem z wałkiem w kadłubie. W Pana ofercie "rasowania" silników są silniki Łady, nie ma popularnych silników Poloneza. Czy jest to spowodowane tym iż silniki polonezowskie mają wał korbowy podparty tylko w trzech miejscach. Czy ma sens stosowanie magnetyzerów w silnikach zasilanych gazem. Jeżeli tak to jakiego typu. Czy jakość magnetyzera zależy od siły magnesu, czy raczej od jego kształtu i sposobu montażu ?

15. Posiadam Megane z silnikiem 1,9tdi jaki chip by Pan polecał, czy nie niszczy on silnika samochodu, przebieg samochodu to 60tys..., jaka jest cena takiego chipa ?

14. Jestem posiadaczem Pasata 1.8T rocznik 99 i chce sobie wzmocnić silnik do około 205 koni czy to będzie złe dla mojego silnika, który i tak jest już chyba mocno nadwerężony ?

13. Mam wielki problem. Kupiłem sobie Renault Clio 1.8 16V. Poprzedni właściciel chyba coś przedobrzył w zawieszeniu. Auto na dziurach podskakuje, a w koleinach po prostu nie da się utrzymać kierownicy. Na dziurach tył podskakuje i trzeba kontrować. Czy to może być wina sportowych sprężyn, a normalnych amortyzatorów, a może odwrotnie ? Co mam zamontować żeby było sportowo ale i bezpiecznie, po prostu żeby się dobrze trzymał "polskich" dróg ?

12. W jaki sposób, poza odczuciami kierowcy, sprawdza się faktyczny przyrost moc silnika ?

11. Zmieniłem CHIPA, ale teraz chciałbym poprawić głowicę i założyć wałek czy można to zrobić ?

10 Ostatnio pojawiło się wiele firm montujących turbiny co Pan o tym sadzi ?

20. Do the sport cumshafts shorten the vitality of the engine?

There is no possibility to answer shortly on such a given question. First of all - what kind of cumshaft do you mean and made by which firma? Generally speaking sportive cumshafts (called as "fast") characterise with longer times of opening and bigger level difference. The consequence of such a projected valves are better accelerations of the valve system elements. The companies selling cumshafts for the average users of the rads attempt to minimize negative consequences of using their products, f.ex by changing of valve springs, bowls and valves as well. Badly projected cumshaft apart from the fact he will not bring us the wished effects, it can lead to damage of the whole engine very rapidly.

19. I have the Fiat Brava 100sx and I used to use Brisk spark-plugs (normal ones). I made already 24 tousands km with it. What would you recommend - Brisk Racing, Premium ZC or others?

Spark-plugs as one of the basic elements of the engine they just have to be good. The impact of the plugs on the engines power is very big, which means: good spark = 100% engines power, bad spark = much less or even 0, when it does not ignite. There is no such a thing like a "tuning spark", that could in considerable way improve the parameters of yhe engine. For sport purposes all the world uses NGK spark plugs, but even this company doesn't speak anythimg about power growth in their advertisments. Unfortunately for the high quality you have to pay, that's why for the NGK plugs in the sport line but for the normal cars you have to pay 50 PLN up to 150 PLN, and for F1 much much more. Sport plugs have usually higher temperature value suitable for the higher charge (load), and what's very important they have higher resistable for so called flooding.That is why for the serial car you should use the spark-plugs recommended by a producent or the sportive once, but with the same temperature value.

18. What impact on the engines work has the recyrculation of the exhaust gases? How can its damage impact on the whole car's activity and can we use the car with disconected recyrculation exhaust system?

The recyrculation exhaust system, how its meaning says decreases toxicity of the exhaust gases, decreasing the power in the same time. The recyrculation valves are steered from the main ECU (steering computer) and its work depends on many parameters like: rounds of the engine, charge, temperature, throotle valve opening level, etc. As a man with quite a big imagination I can imagine such a lot of damage possibilities of the recyrculation system, that I am not able to describe them all. The best is to use the car with all the systems working correctly.

17. How to make the tuning of Skoda Favorit 1.3 136L, I mean about the carburator ?

It doesn't exist something like a single elememt tuning, f.ex the carburator. Tuning is the complete opertaion done to improve the technical parameters of the engine, suspension, etc. Introduction of the carburator with the wider diameter for the serial car or badly modified will not improve, but will cause growth of fuel combustion and decrease the quality of functioning at the lover rounds of the engine.

16. What vantage has the DOHC engine with two cumshafts over the engine with the embodied cumshaft. In your offer of tuning there are the engines of Lada, but there are no such a popular Polonez engines. Is it the reason, that the Polonez engines have the crankshat supported only in 3 points? Is there any reason of using the magnetisers in theh engines feeded with LPG? If so, then what type. Do the quality of the magnetiser depoends on the magnes strenght or on its shape and way of montage?

The DOHC engines are from the constructional point of view much interesting solution and give much more technical possibilities than SOHC or OHV. Lada's engines (SOHC) are the construction much more modern than the Polonez's ones (OHV), in spite of witch its possibility of modification are much bigger. In the topic of magnetisers I do not have my point of view, becase I never used them nor had any possibility to research them. In fact there were many compoanies asking us to examine them, but when we said that we are going to publish all the research effect, they promptly retreated.

15. I have Renault Megane with 1,9 tdi engine. What chip would you recommend? Will it not damage the car's engine. The car's milage is 60 thousands km. What is th eprice of such a chip?

Tuning of TDI engines may be conducted in at least two ways.

1. modification of serial programme in steering cmputer (ECU)

2. Introduction of additional ECU. This topic is widely explored at our site by "turbo-diesel tuning". The prices of chip and additional ECU's are between 2000 - 2500 PLN, depends on the company.

14. I am the owner of VW Passat 1.8 T '99er and I want to improve the engine up to 205 HP. Will it be bad for my engine, which even now is strongly overloaded?

Every technical construction contains so called safety reserve, which indicates how can we improve the power without negative impact on a given construction. This reserve for the engones usualy equals between 10 - 20% of the serial power and there are no fear that the incresaing the power in this range could impact in decreasing the vitality of the engine. What I am taliking about concerns the proffesional modifications, cause I often meet in my practice with modifications that do not teally improve the power, but rather damage it. That is why by choosing the tuning company I recommend to check it's reliability. I especially sensitize you for the companies promising great improvements for little money! It is somehow on the world the rule that nothing is for free, and especially in the motorisation brange.

13. I have the great problem. I bought Renault Clio 1.8 16V. The recent owner modificated suspension too much, I think. The car jumps on the wholes and in the street ruts you cannot control the steering wheel. On the wholes the back of the car jumps and you have to control the car. May it be the fault of using the sport springs and normal shock absorbers or opositely? What should I instal to make it sportive, safety and keeping the Polish roads.

The chose of suspension in a serial car is always a compromise between comfort and safety. It doesn't however mean that doing modifications alone you cannot damage suspension this way that it becomes unsafety and uncomfortable, like in case of your car. Probably there were used to hard springs. My opinion is like the sentence from the child's poema: "mason builds the hauses, tailor sews the clothes", and it should be like this. I recommend you to find a proffesional company installing and dealing with suspensions (adresses in links).


12. What way, apart from the driver's feelings can we check the real growth of the engine?

The feelings of the drivers (doesn't concern the feelings of the sport drivers) totaly false. The engines with beautiful flat torque curve (graph) are felt by drivers as weak, and engines with bad characteristic, working from 4000 rounds per minute up are felt as perfect because they "kick" on the high rounds. There are several methods of measuring engines power or its comparisons. Starting from the best ones:

1 - engine test bench:

ADVANTAGES - high precission, reading of many parameters, easy posiibliity of doing modifications.

DISADVANTAGES - necessary to take out the whole engine from the car (big cost)

2. Chassis test bench:

ADVANTAGES - short time of measuring (fiew minutes), possibility of establishing rolling resistance of the bench.

DISADVANTAGES - measuring the parameters on wheels - lower precission of measured parameters, every element of the car increases constant and accidental falses.

3. Traction measurments:

ADVANTAGES - simple tools, short time of measuring, outcomes significant for the driver's imagination.

DISADVANTAGES - high falses, high influence of external factors, low recurrence of the effects, dificulties in finding places for measurments.

4. Electronical test benches

ADVANTAGES - simple, cheep tools, measurments easy to make (f.ex on the standing car)

DISADVANTAGES- low precission, high dependence on external conditions.

most of the serious tuning companies uses usually fiew of this methods paralelly.


11. I have changed the chip and would like now to improve the head and change the cumshaft - can I do it?

Of course you can, but you have totaly change the order of tuning proces into oposite direction. We always start from the mechanical modifications and chip must be projeted for mechanical modification already done in your car.

10. Recently there are more and more companies offering montage of the chargers. What do you think about it?

Many forms of charging of the engine appeard in the begining of the XX century and the main rule of functioning, apart of its constant improvements is still the same. Charger's aim is tho increase the fuel-air mixture incoming to the combustion chamber. Many companies produce same models of the cars equiped in the normally aspirated engines and turbocharged ones. Very often it happens that the constructors use by its production many common elements, but dispite of all theese are completly different engines. First of all turbocharged engines have the lower pressure level 7.5 - 8.5, more effective cooling system and strenghtened elements of crankshaft&pistons system. Assuming - without the ingerence into the engine's insight we can safely montage such a chrgers in which the charging pressure do not exceed 0.15 - 0.3 (Bar) which is 15% up to 30% torque growth. Implementing systems with high charging pressure for normal aspirated serial cars is a technical misunderstood and in consequence will cause its fast damage.

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20. Do the sportive cumshafts shorten vitality of the engine?

19. I have the Fiat Brava 100sx and I used to use Brisk spark-plugs (normal ones). I made already 24 tousands km with it. What would you recommend - Brisk Racing, Premium ZC or others? 
